14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications
The 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications continues nearly 40-year tradition of international acousto-optic meetings organized in different places in Pomeranian region of Poland and abroad. The conference focuses on all physical aspects of light and sound interaction and provides an insight into recent developments of both pure and applied acousto-optics. 14th SAOA serves as a platform for early stage researchers and experts to exchange ideas and forge new or strengthen and consolidate ongoing collaborations. The program will include keynote lectures, invited talks and regular presentations.
Topics covered by the School include:
theoretical and experimental studies of light diffraction by ultrasonic waves,
acousto-optic devices and instruments,
new materials and structures for acousto-optics signal processing,
acousto-optic imaging and tomography,
ultrafast and femtosecond acousto-optics,
photoacoustic imaging and spectroscopy,
optoacoustics and thermoacoustics,
novel applications in biomedicine.
Abstract Due Date is April 1, 2019.
Please, use the Abstract template to submit the paper and send it to the Local Organizing Committee.
Manuscript Due Date is June 17, 2019.